Friday, 18 January 2019

Golden Fire Goddess

Golden Fire Goddess

Not often do we have cause to set our creations on fire, but it was our total pleasure to do so this time :-) 


We were hard at work whipping up our biggest batch of gelatin to date.  Turns out...TOO big.  We would recommend doing many smaller batches as this was a mother-lover to try and get to the correct consistency.

 After the model was painted for the heavens it was time to apply her candle hands.  Please for the love of Zeus remember to take a bathroom break BEFORE this step.

We used our FANCIEST duct tape to strap those suckers on as we didn't want to leave the structural integrity up to the cotton/latex pieces. These candles were cut down to our desired length.

Next step was coating the fingers in cotton latex and letting the top layer dry a bit so we could GOLDIMIFY it all. Her arm was wrapped in seran which THEN got coated with our gelatin mixture to have the appearance of melted wax.  This was messy as hell. Once the entire arm was painted it was time for the goddess to shine and the rest is photo documented history ;-)

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